About Cashmere Fibres International

Cashmere Fibres International Limited supply the finest Cashmere, Camelhair, Silk and Yak from all origins, as well as Mohair and Alpaca.

Cashsmere Fibres InternationalBased in the heart of the U.K. textile trade in Bradford, West Yorkshire, the company was formed in May 1999, by co-directors David Mallin and David Lee. Both have over fourty year’s experience, knowledge and contacts within the speciality fibre industry. David Lee specialises in purchasing and David Mallin takes care of sales. The third member of the team, Marjorie Crowther, looks after the company’s import/export, invoicing and stock control.

Cashmere Fibres was formed after seeing the changes in the cashmere trade over the last twenty plus years. Most primary processing and dehairing of cashmere has moved to the origin countries.

Cashmere Fibres have established a buying office in Huhhot; Inner Mongolia as well as in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. All purchases are inspected and sampled by their staff prior to testing and approval in the Bradford office.

This guarantees the highest quality fibre standards.

Cashmere is sourced from China, Mongolia and Afghanistan. The company buys greasy as well as dehaired cashmere. Scouring, dehairing and combing is mostly carried out in the country of origin however, in order to meet specialist demands from discerning European customers Cashmere Fibres have recently moved premises within Bradford to Park View Mills in order further expand and specialise their service.

In 2005 they installed a new dehairing plant, which enables high quality Afghan cashmere to be dehaired once again in Bradford.

This makes Cashmere Fibres the only serious cashmere dehairer operating in Europe. They also have a combing plant, which produces cashmere, camelhair, and angora tops for the worsted industry.

In recent times, in order to get to the true fibre source, Mr David Lee has spent many months and years traveling throughout Afghanistan. David has been working with USAID in order to establish quality controls and market potential for the Afghan Cashmere goat herders supplying training and holding seminars in in manufacturure process, fibre combing, sorting and grading of greasy cashmere to support local economy.

fienlogoIn 2005 Cashmere Fibres took over the trading name of W Fein and Sons, for whom both David Lee and David Mallin had worked prior to establishing their new company in 1999.

Cashmere Fibres International Ltd / W Fein & Sons, pride themselves on supplying the very highest quality in every product. All products are tested and approved prior to shipment to Park View Mills, Bradford, where they receive further processing and/or re-packing if required.

David Lee and David Mallin spend much of the year traveling to visit suppliers and customers to ensure that the highest quality standards are maintained and that customers’ needs are fully satisfied.

The company have recently been accepted as full members of the Cashmere and Camelhair Manufacturers Institute (CCMI). An institution whose objective is “To maintain the integrity of cashmere and camel hair products through education, information and industry cooperation.” www.cashmere.org

Cashmere Fibres are completely independent and unconnected to any spinner, weaver or knitter.

The company provides, every two to three months a Market Report covering the changing market and supply situation in the countries of origin.